Spreading The Good Stuff – The Podcast

Welcome to Spreading The Good Stuff – a podcast for regional women who want to thrive in their work, wellness, family and community.

In this podcast we share stories of triumph, challenge, growth and change in business and in life, and offer helpful insights and advice to empower you to live your best life – however that looks for you.

Through our fortnightly podcast we aim to highlight the incredible work of regional women who are empowering and inspiring others, and share tips and tricks to help our own journey, and yours, towards living a fulfilled life.

Why Spreading The Good Stuff podcast?

Two years ago we came together when Katrina spoke at our first ever live conversation series event Spreading the Good Stuff (based on our weekly Splendid Word blog, of the same name ), which shines a light on the ‘good stuff’ happening in our community. That empowering conversation, and a shared passion for positivity and the importance of flourishing in life, has brought us together on this podcast project and we can’t wait to share it with you.

We hope you enjoy our conversations, insights and interviews and would love you to share with friends and drop us a line of feedback or encouragement over on our Facebook or Instagram pages and tell us what you’d like to hear on the podcast… it’s for you after all!

We’re excited and can’t wait to share all the ‘good stuff’ happening in our world.

You can subscribe to our fortnightly podcast here.

Thanks for listening,

Christy, Katrina and Leonie


Spreading The Good Stuff – The Podcast