Episode #36 – Bushfires and Community Spirit


Episode #36 – Bushfires and Community Spirit

On a day of total fire ban across the state of Victoria (Code Red)  Leonie, Christy and Katrina reflect on the impact the devastating bushfires in NSW and Qld are having on rural communities at the coalface, and further afield. They talk about community spirit, and the way it shines through during times of tragedy. How, even in our darkest hours, stories of positivity, bravery, selflessness and generosity exist all around us.

In this heartfelt episode, the girls also share practical measures that we can all take to prepare against the threat of bushfire, and ways that we can help those affected by the immediate crisis. We chat about the decency of individuals and organisations in the worst of times and the ripple effect that occurs when we support each other. Always remember to look for the helpers in any disaster… they are always there!

Thanks for tuning in to Episode #36 of Spreading the Good Stuff and feel free to recommend to a friend, or share your thoughts over on our social pages at our closed Facebook group and over on Instagram. Stay tuned also for a direct podcast email coming soon, where where you can touch base about any Spreading the Good Stuff episode and receive exclusive information about podcast events and bonus conversations.

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Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


Episode Show Notes:

Places to find practical resources to plan for a bushfire event and know what is happening in your community:

ABC Radio 

Fire Ready Kit

Vic Emergency App

NSW Rural Fire Service

How to help those affected by bushfire and support if you’re living through a challenging time:

Blaze Aid

Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recover


Beyond Blue

In this Episode we mention an article featuring Greg Mullins around the reality of climate change from an emergency services perspective, which is entitled “This is not normal”.

What we are loving:

Katrina – Russell Brand’s podcast Under My Skin

Christy – Mindfully podcast as recommended by Dr Moira Junge (particularly a recent episode around sleep)

Leonie – Bushfire Planning template from CFA Victoria