Episode #31 – Mental Health and Men – A Conversation with the Unbreakable Farmer


Episode #31 – Mental Health and Men – A Conversation with the Unbreakable Farmer

Resilience, persistence and determination are the words used to best describe Warren Davies and in this moving conversation with Katrina, Warren (aka The Unbreakable Farmer) speaks about his personal mental health journey and shares his experience of breakdown and breakthrough.

Warren is a husband, father of five, son, brother, mate, and normal bloke from down the road. His life as a dairy farmer almost broke him, impacting his young family, relationships and finances in a way that changed him forever – making him the man he is today: The Unbreakable Farmer.

Through his public speaking work as The Unbreakable Farmer, Warren is on a mission to create awareness and education and reduce damaging stigmas around mental health and emphasise the importance of strong mental health across all communities. He urges us all to start a conversation around well being and work hard to support each other through challenges.

Warren shares his own personal story, which is an all-too-common one, and what he learnt from hitting rock bottom. This conversation is a gentle reminder for women (most of our listeners) in how to help the men in our lives. He also urges us all, particularly men, to seek help and learn to have a greater awareness of what’s going on in our own lives. Reach out to those around you – at home, at school, at the footy club or at work – and don’t travel the journey alone is also integral, as well as staying connected and not isolating ourselves.

From a personal perspective Warren explains that disconnection to the things we love doing is the most damaging and to not be too tough to speak up. And do what works for you to improve your own mental health… maybe try some yoga, a bit of forest bathing… or even just a beer and a chat with a good mate.

One of the greatest messages in this conversation is the importance of the power of storytelling, and sharing personal stories, which for Warren is the best form of t therapy, just like our Spreading the Good Stuff podcast conversations.

Warren Davies is a man not too uncomfortable to give his boys a big hug and a kiss in public, as opposed to a traditional handshake, and we know you’ll enjoy this open and honest conversation. Our many thanks to Warren for giving his time and thanks also to Katrina for sharing her own personal experience of losing her dad to suicide.

If you are worried about someone close to, reach out to them today, and if this conversation has created some personal challenges for you, we urge you can contact Life Line.

In this conversation Warren talked about the Beyond Blue supported initiative Love Me Love You, which is delivering important wellbeing and mental health workshops direct to regional communities.

To never miss a future episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review, and to access all previous episodes visit our show over on Anchoror search for Spreading the Good Stuff via your favourite podcast app.

We’ll be back in your ears again in a couple of weeks to continue the discussion around mental health and men.

Thanks again for listening and chat soon,

Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


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