Episode #24 Comparison (Is the Devil)

We’re excited to bring you another Spreading the Good Stuff episode and today we discuss the devil that is ‘comparison’.
In this conversation we talk about how comparison manifests in our lives – in our work, our relationships and in parenting, and share practical strategies for working through it.
We share what comparison looks like for each of us and what we do to combat what can be a crippling place to be when we’re feeling fragile and doubting ourselves and our place in the world.
It’s true that we all can get caught up in comparing our lives to others at times, and it’s difficult to pull away from the habit of comparing and judgement, and the three of us agree that the more in tune we are with ourselves and our intentions and purpose, the less likely we are to look around and compare.
So when comparison rears its ugly head and it’s easy to play small, this is the time to look at it as an opportunity for growth – a chance to get curious about our feelings and what’s going on for us in that moment. Have no doubt though, this is hard to do and needs constant work.

Simply put, we all struggle in this area and it IS really hard not to compare, but being aware of it, how it feels, what it looks like and how we can combat it is important.

Combatting the negative self talk is key to not getting caught up in comparison and takes daily practice and also being kind to ourselves and finding the positives. We also talk about the importance of generosity and kindness… a simple approach that can work miracles.

The number one take home from this conversation: focus on the good stuff!

Tune into this illuminating conversation here and be sure to touch base, as we’d love to hear form you guys on this topic.

Thanks for joining us for another Spreading the Good Stuff podcast episode – we love having you tune in. Be sure to follow us over on Instagram and continue the conversation as part of our private group over on Facebook here.

To never miss a future episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review. To access all previous episodes visit our podcast page over on Anchoror search for Spreading the Good Stuff via your favourite podcast app.

Thanks again for listening,

Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


Things we mentioned in this episode that you might want to check out:

Leonie ~ The Goop podcast and in particular an episode with Kim John Payne around creating a value-centred home.

Katrina ~ Sophie Hansen’s new book A Basket by the Door. Sophie also has a podcast called My Open Kitchen and Katrina is a huge fan – listen to it here.  Katrina also mentions Kylie Lewis from Of Kin and her work around leadership.

Christy ~ Gabby Bernstein’s books and meditations for changing your mindset and combatting judgement, and Brene Brown’s work on vulnerability.

Image thanks to spiritbutton.com