Episode #21 A Conversation about Grief


Episode #21 A Conversation about Grief

In this latest podcast episode we share a profound conversation recorded from our sixth Spreading the Good Stuff Live Conversation Series event held at Junction, Moama in November last year.

During this episode we did something that we humans don’t often do. We talked about grief. What it looks like, how it feels, where it hides, and why it takes hold.
Our heartfelt thanks to the brave and beautiful Shari Gotch and Tracey Farrell for baring their souls as we explored this deeply complicated and personal topic. We thank them for sharing their own experiences so courageously, so openly and so generously.

Expertly guided by Tracey and Shari – who both have an intimate relationship with grief – this emotional conversation explores the complexities, the misconceptions and the mystery of this profound topic. It touches on dealing with grief as individuals, family members, friends and as a community, and how we can do it better.
We also discuss why grief is hard to sit with, how it changes with time, and why it never, ever leaves.

We only scratch the surface on this topic, but know it has been the start of many brave and much-needed conversations since the event, and have no doubt it will become a helpful tool for many to continue to listen, learn and share when it comes to living with grief.

This little gem of feedback was passed on to us following the live conversation event, and perfectly captures the feeling on the night:

“Last night was amazing girls…. thank you so much. That room was full of so many forms of grief, adversity and hardship. To look around and see heartbreaking and raw faces, and tears falling…. but then see the nodding of heads, the holding of hands and gentle smiles of love was something that just took my breath away. We are so lucky to live in this community with such amazing support, brave women and love. I feel so blessed to be a part of spreading the good stuff.”

If this episode brings up troubling thoughts and feeling for you, we encourage you to reach out to someone you trust. You can also contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue for practical and emotional support, or your local GP.

In this conversation Tracey also mentions a fantastic resource from Megan Devine called ‘It’s okay that you’re not okay’.

Also, in previous conversations we have discussed the Ripple Effect, a rural suicide prevention program that our podcast partner Katrina Myers is heavily involved with and was also the topic of conversation at our very first live event more than two years ago.

Thank you once again for joining us for Spreading the Good Stuff podcast.  Be sure to follow us over on Instagram and continue the conversation as part of our private group over on Facebook here.

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Thanks for listening,

Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


A Conversation about Grief