Episode #2 – Kindness and Positivity


Episode #2 – Kindness and Positivity

In this second episode of Spreading the Good Stuff, we each share our own stories of why we have chosen a positive approach to life (most of the time), the challenges we have faced along the way, and what has worked for us.

A disclaimer early in this episode: being positive is not easy and is well and truly a ‘work in progress’.

We also discuss that despite negativity being everywhere, there is another option that comes in the form of miracles (not the religious types) and from an unlikely source.

We hope this Spreading The Good Stuff conversation leaves you feeling that it’s okay to be positive… because the negativity lane is already full!

And we’ll leave you with some tips and tricks we have used to keep us on the positive side of the ledger.

Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy the conversation.

Listen to our second episode here and subscribe via iTunes to never miss future episodes.

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Christy, Katrina and Leonie



Episode #2 Show Notes

Find the book read by all three girls by Gabby Bernstein called May Cause Miracles – she also has a fabulous collection of meditations to get you started.

Smiling Mind video featuring Katrina

Miracle Morning program as mentioned by Katrina

Simple daily gratitude practice – sitting around the dinner table with family and friends and everyone shares:

  • The best part of your day
  • What you are grateful for
  • What was a challenge for the day
  • What you are most looking forward to tomorrow!