Episode #18 – How to Recalibrate for the Year Ahead


Episode #18 – How to Recalibrate for the Year Ahead

We’re back around the microphone again and thrilled you could join us for our first in-depth conversation for 2019 about recalibrating, resetting and making ‘slight edge’ adjustments for the year ahead. Note: Katrina is phoning in from the beach and the line can get a little scratchy.

In this ‘debrief’ chat following Leonie’s awesome interview with Erin Barnes a couple of weeks back, we share our own experiences of life fulfilment, intention setting, dreaming big, doing the work, affirmations, letting go, rejecting the ‘all or nothing’ mindset, choosing action over perfection and decluttering. It’s a big chat so make yourself a cuppa and take the time to digest a conversation we hope will set you up for a stellar 2019. We’d love to hear how you have started off the year, particular those who tuned in to Erin’s conversation, and share your thoughts and feedback over on our social pages.

During this episode we also flag a fabulous event happening in Echuca Moama hosted by Erin – yippee!!

All we can say at this stage is to save the date for March 23&24 for an Echuca based Wellbeing + Life Success Immersion workshop blending brain science, body and behavioural science to achieve sustained and elevated wellbeing, and maximise focus, productivity and impact in 2019!

Including delicious grazing, wine, organic tea and raw treats, yoga, Vedic meditation, mindfulness meditation, this event will be held in a beautiful clarity generating space,  alongside aspiring and supportive women – how good does that sound!

Keep a watch out on our socials for more details to come and a special deal for all our listeners.

Be sure to follow us over on Instagram and continue the conversation as part of our private group over on Facebook here.

To never miss a future episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review. You can also access all previous conversations via Anchoron your favourite podcast app or search for Spreading The Good Stuff podcast online.

Thanks for listening,

Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


Episode #18 Show Notes:

What we’re loving and things we mentioned during this podcast episode:

Christy ~ A Simple Year program, Calm meditation app and Breathe magazine for lovely reminders about intentional living and mindfulness

Leonie ~1 Giant Mind FREE meditation app and the new season on offer over at All Being Well podcast

Katrina ~ Miracle Morning books and resources, Erin’s conversation with Lee on January 17 and also Maggie Dent’s parenting resources (particularly Mothering of Boys)

How to Recalibrate for the Year Ahead