Episode #17 – A conversation with Erin Barnes – achieving positive growth in 2019

Episode #17 – A conversation with Erin Barnes – achieving positive growth in 2019

Welcome to 2019!

In our very first episode for the New Year we’re excited to launch our Q&A series with an interview designed to help set us all up for positive and achievable growth in 2019.

In this episode we chat with physical, emotional and behavioural expert Erin Barnes, who also happens to be Leonie’s younger sister, about society’s obsession with New Years resolutions and why we typically fall short on them.

During the conversation Leonie and Erin explore an alternative strategy for achieving overall wellbeing and life success goals in the year ahead, as well as ways to reduce stress and affectively recalibrating when necessary.

The girls also riff on the concepts behind resolutions and discuss the reasons for only 8% of people achieving them and 80% of us not even making it through to February when it comes to setting unrealistic goals!

We thank Erin for this awesome conversation about ‘doing the work’, the troublesome ‘all or nothing’ approach to health and well being and knowing where to start when it comes to achieving our goals.

It’s an absolute ripper and we’d love you to tune in here!

You can share your thoughts over on Instagram and continue the conversation as part of our private group over on Facebook here.

To never miss a future episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review. You can also access all previous conversations via Anchoron your favourite podcast app or search for Spreading The Good Stuff podcast online.

Thanks for listening and Happy New Year!

Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


Episode #17 Show Notes: 

To find out more about all that was mentioned in this conversation with Erin Barnes visit the following links: