Episode #15 – Productivity at Home

Spreading The Good Stuff - Productivity

Episode #15 – Productivity at Home 

In this episode we talk further about productivity, but this time with a focus on getting stuff done at home. We share our personal experiences and strategies for keeping all the plates spinning on the home front and highlight the importance of doing what works best for you and your family.

Christy talks about the unexpected benefits of shopping a little bit everyday, rather than stock piling in bulk once a week, and the importance of a daily meditation practice for a calmer mind and clearer thoughts.

Katrina also sings the praises of regular meditation for clarity and grounding, making her kids’ lunches in advance and planning her day the night before. She also encourages us all to get on board the NO train, especially during hectic periods, and how verbal communication is key for keeping things ticking over on the farm and in her home.

Leonie shares her necessity for meal planning, and achieving zero food waste as a result, and also the importance of her mandatory weekly WIP with husband Craig using the Trello board – when they talk about the small and ‘big’ things happening week to week.

We also discuss the importance of calendars, however all agree that finding the right one to suit everyone in your family can be a challenge.

In summary, productivity at home can simply be getting through the week in a calm manner (without too much yelling) and with everyone getting fed!

We’d love you to share your tips on how you  keep things organised, and what you use in terms of a calendar and/or planner.

You can do this over on our social pages, where we are shifting our focus to Instagram and will no longer be sharing podcast episodes on Facebook. We now have a private group on Facebook, which we hope will become a fantastic platform to share ideas and thoughts around our podcast conversations. Continue the conversation here.

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Listen to Episode #15 here.

Enjoy and thanks for listening,

Christy and Leonie, and Katrina


Episode #15 Show Notes 

Leonie ~ A finance app called Pocketbook to help sort your home finances

Katrina – Rach Robertson fitness, local Koondrook mother for health and fitness motivation

Christy – playing cricket for the first time ever with a great bunch of women at Echuca Cricket Club

Image: www.home-dzine

Productivity at Home