Episode #13 – Work and Productivity


Episode #13 – Work and Productivity

In this episode we are chatting without Katrina, who is away in Canberra with the Murray Darling Basin Authority Community Committee. This chat is all about productivity in the workplace and we share tips and tools for getting stuff done.

We both work from home on our media and communications business The Splendid Word, which can have its own challenges when it comes to productivity, however we know that being disciplined in your work – no matter what you do – is a ‘work’ in progress for us all.

Importantly, we talk about not giving ourselves too hard a time when we fail to tick off everything on our ‘to-do’ lists, as unavoidable distractions are a reality.

Making lists are important, however Christy talks about only having there things to tick off at any given time and Leonie discusses the benefits of planning the night before and blocking out set times to increase productivity.

We certainly missed Katrina’s input in this conversation and we’ll catch up with her in the coming weeks about how she gets stuff done at home, juggling both life and work.

There is no one way to get stuff done, and we’d love you to share your tips and ticks over on our social media pages at Facebook and Instagram.

To never miss a future episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review. You can also search all our previous conversations via Anchoron your favourite podcast app or search for Spreading The Good Stuff podcast on Google.

Listen to Episode #13 here.

Enjoy and thanks for listening,

Christy and Leonie


Episode #13 Show Notes

Tools and apps discussed on the podcast today:

Google Drive and Calendar



Slow Your Home Podcast

Forrest App

What we are loving this week:

Leonie ~ Deepak Chopra 21-Day Free meditation program for increased clarity and focus at work and for staying calm.

Christy ~ The afterglow of our recent trip to Bali for the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival and allowing myself the time to relax, recharge and revitalise energy for productivity – something we should do regularly!