Episode #11 – Let’s Be Honest


Episode #11 – Let’s Be Honest

In this episode, we discuss some much-appreciated listener feedback and get honest about our personal struggles, challenges and doubts. We unpack how being ‘positive’ and spreading the good stuff can be tricky if and when we are feeling vulnerable and that it’s okay to NOT be ‘smashing it’ out of the park every, single, day!

We discuss how sometimes when you hear someone doing great things or see a series of Insta-perfect images online, it can make you feel inadequate, imperfect or downright ‘unsuccessful’. We ALL experience self doubt (yes, even those who don’t like to admit it) and it’s important to share these doubts and fears with someone you trust and learn to live with moments of vulnerability. We don’t have all the answers, but we were keen to dispel any misconceptions that a life of ‘spreading the good stuff’ is problem free.

Leonie shares her vulnerability around public speaking, Christy admits that she has trouble sharing any negative feelings or thoughts with anyone and Katrina explains how the ‘picture perfect’ family holiday is not always so.

We hope you enjoy this very honest conversation and we’d love you to share any thoughts over on our social pages at Facebook and Instagram.

To never miss an episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review. You can also search all our previous conversations via Anchor, on your favourite podcast app or search for Spreading The Good Stuff podcast on Google.

Listen to Episode #11 here.

Enjoy and thanks for listening,

Christy, Katrina and Leonie



Episode #11 Show Notes

Leonie talked about her daily body boost to improve negative self talk, using the essential oils from Twenty8 based on the Sunshine Coast and also mentioned Kim Morrison from Twenty8 being in Echuca this week (October 19, 20 & 21) – find out more here.

Katrina talked about a helpful sleep monitoring app called Sleep Cycle.

Christy talked about the Slow Your Home podcast and the advice about not feeling like you have to do everything all at once, and just being kind to yourself!