Episode #10 – Surviving the School Holidays


Episode #10 – Surviving the School Holidays

Note: this episode was recorded via Skype with Katrina so the sound might not be as good as usual

Wow – Episode #10… we can’t believe we have made it this far!

Thank you so much to all our listeners who have helped us to ‘spread the good stuff’ by commenting, sharing or reviewing our podcast.

Getting to this point has been a good opportunity to pause, take a breath and be grateful for the feedback we have received so far in our first 10 episodes. Spreading the Good Stuff has been a fluid process and we have enjoyed sharing our positive approach to life and the challenges we all face along the journey.

For this episode we struggled to find the time to get together during these current school holidays and we discuss via Skype with Katrina that despite ‘loving’ having our kids at home the struggle of juggling school holidays, kids and work is real!

Like all our other conversations on the podcast we like to share our own personal challenges as well as our tips and tools to get through the best way we can.

To round out this episode we share what we are ‘loving’ these holidays, which includes being mindful, stopping and being present with the kids, and also letting go of the ‘to do’ lists just for an hour or so.

We wish you luck if you’re also pushing through school holidays, and we look forward to sharing our next series of conversations in the coming weeks, which will touch on the elusive work/life balance and ‘getting stuff done’.

Bravo to Katrina for sharing how much she doesn’t always ‘love’ the holidays, and for keeping it real, which is something we aim to do on this podcast – spreading the good stuff, while being honest about the challenges.

As always, we’d love you to share any thoughts on our conversations so far, and suggestions or requests moving forward. You can share over on our social pages at Facebook and Instagram.

To never miss an episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review. Search our conversations via Anchor or over on your favourite podcast app.

Listen to Episode #10 here.

Enjoy and thanks for listening,

Christy, Katrina and Leonie



Episode #10 Show Notes

Katrina mentioned a book called Do the Work by Stephen Pressfield

Lee mentioned doing the daily Top Five Things ritual with her eldest son Dhara

Christy mentioned the Trevor Hendy’s Bootcamp for the Soul program and Brett Kirk’s Mindfully podcast