What are you reading these summer holidays?

books post Jan 2015

No doubt, like us, you’ve been filling your summer days reading some of those books from your bedside pile.

The beach, or poolside, is the perfect location to steal a few chapters without the distraction of work or domestic chores.

This past week I’ve been reading The Odyssey by Homer while on the beach and in between lifeguard duties for the kids. It’s been on my pile for years and I’m really enjoying this ancient tale.

My current bedtime read is Dame Jane Goodall’s biography, Reason for Hope. It’s incredibly inspiring to read of Jane’s lifetime dedication to studying chimpanzees; she is certainly an amazing lady and I would strongly recommend you add it to your pile.

Really good biographies are hard to find and I’m always searching for recommendations.

Speaking of which, we’d love to see what you’re reading over the summer break or if you have any suggestions for the perfect ‘summer read’.

This time last year I was burning the midnight oil with The Light Between Two Oceans by ML Stedman which I recommended continually throughout 2014. It was the perfect summer read: fast moving, lovely to read, not too long and devastatingly sad.

Whatever you’re reading this summer, enjoy every word.

Christy xo

@The Splendid Word

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