Upskilling at The Splendid Word

upskilling post for TSW

I’m pumped and feeling motivated this week, with only two assignments to complete in a Diploma of Publishing and Editing. I’ve been plugging away at this course for nearly three years and I’m excited to finally tick the box and move onto the next challenge.

At the Splendid Word we are constantly learning new skills and standards relating to the written word.  ‘Words’ are our thing and we never tire of gaining new knowledge about how and when to use them.

During my diploma it was fascinating to learn more about the editing and publishing world and we are now better equipped when it comes to developing business style guides and following new standards in professional writing.

For example the standard style for spaces between sentences after a full stop used to be two… now it’s one! You might not think this sort of stuff is cool, but it’s our job to know this type of inconspicuous detail. And if we don’t, who will?

Editing and proofing is very technical and the course certainly gave me a greater appreciation for detail in all forms of writing.

It has also inspired me to continue learning and I recently began a part-time Bachelor of Arts at La Trobe in Bendigo, majoring in creative writing.

I’m feeling a bit ‘out of my depth’ walking into a university lecture room for the first time in nearly 20 years, however I’m thrilled to be learning new skills and expanding my mind.

After all, we’re never too old to learn new skills… life is for learning, not knowing it all!

Wish me luck!

Christy xo