Spreading the good stuff for mental health…

IMG_0016Today’s #spreadingthegoodstuff is dedicated to the important work The Ripple Effect is doing to combat rural suicide and shine a torch on mental health.

Our recent live conversation hour dedicated to #spreadingthegoodstuff featured Katrina Myers, of Barham Avocados, who is an ambassador for The Ripple Effect initiative – an arm of Beyond Blue. Katrina shared her story of losing her father when she was 15 to suicide and grappling with the beast of mental illness that exists in her family. This conversation hour, held at Junction Moama,  provided our 75 guests with a new perspective on mental health and started important conversations around emotional wellbeing with family and friends.

Specifically, The Ripple Effect aims to reduce the stigma of suicide, particularly among farmers, and start a conversation about taking care of our own mental health. This important initiative launched its official website today and we urge everyone to jump online and see what you can do to help turn the tide of rural suicide and change the conversations you are having with family and friends about mental health.

Bravo Katrina for your bravery and commitment to creating change and spreading light where there is darkness.


