Spreading the good stuff to help others Breathe Easy…

13516717_1755573311355627_7154440672991227992_nThis week’s #spreadingthegoodstuff post is for a stellar little event raising much-needed funds for people in our community living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

The Breathe Easy social event was held for the first time last year and raised a whopping $20,450 for Cystic Fibrosis Victoria and the Royal Children’s Hospital CF Research Trust. The small, but hard-working committee, including local CF sufferer Shari Butcher, was blown away by last year’s success, which not only raised awareness but also channelled direct funds to find a cure.

One in 25 Australians carry the CF gene and over 95% of those are unaware they are carriers. As Shari explains, raising awareness is the most important aspect of events such as Breathe Easy, and to help find a cure for future generations living with what is the most common, genetically acquired, life-shortening chronic illness affecting young Australians today.

“I wanted to create an event to give back to the CF community, which has supported me, and many others through our CF journeys. One hundred per cent of all money raised directly supports those living with CF, and funds important research towards finding a cure,” Shari said.

“Breathe Easy’s Cocktail Party is a great night out, we have deliberately made it light on formalities and more about people enjoying a great night out with a chance to dress up in the middle of winter” she said.

This year’s cocktail party event will be held at Radcliffe’s, Echuca on Saturday August 13.

Tickets cost $100 per person, which includes finger food, drinks and entertainment by Essence Duo. There is also a $130 VIP ticket, limited to 50, which includes a pre-dinner paddlesteamer cruise, canapes from Cock ‘n Bull’s award winning chef Dave Hollamby, drinks and entertainment – sounds amazing!

Tickets for this event are available here. You can also follow the Breathe Easy event on Facebook.

We wish Shari and her crew all the best for August 13 and even if you can’t make it to the Breathe Easy event, play your part in #spreadingthegoodstuff by donating at Everyday Hero for a hardworking team striving to make a real difference for those living with CF.

Christy xo
