It’s Mental Health Week… how do you look after your emotional wellbeing?

When was the last time you checked in with your mental health? Are you not sure where to start?

If you’re struggling emotionally it’s always best to talk to someone you trust or seek help from a professional or directly access services at Lifeline, Beyond Blue or the Black Dog Institute.

Mental Health Week is a great opportunity to have a discussion about our emotional wellbeing and to check in with family and friends if you’re concerned.

When considering your own mental health there are so many tips and tools to help you to live your ‘best’ life – both physically and emotionally.

One size does not fit all when it comes to mental health, and it’s okay to admit that we don’t always know the answers and solutions, however there is abundance of help and resources out there to explore.

We’ve compiled a list of suggestions from our team here at The Splendid Word and would encourage you to take the time over the weekend to check in with yourself to ensure your mental health is in the best shape it can be.

Everyone approaches their emotional well being differently and in today’s blog we have shared what we do each day to ensure we are taking care of our own mental health.


  1. Spending time in nature – walking my dog by the river (not just for the ‘physical’ exercise)
  2. Listening to podcasts that discuss the things that are important to me (and make me a better human)
  3. Daily guided meditation using the Calm app.


  1. Setting three positive intentions as soon as I wake around how I want to ‘feel’ that day.
  2. Daily meditation, yoga practice and running
  3. Evening gratitude practice – listing my ‘top 5’ moments from the day.


  1. Daily exercise and morning body boost (rubbing essential oils and coconut oil on my body while telling myself some positive affirmations for that day)
  2. Insight Timer for daily meditation.
  3. Talking to friends and seeing a counsellor


  1. Enjoying fresh air and the outdoors as much as possible
  2. Eat food that nourishes my physical and mental health
  3. Sometimes I just need to forget the ‘to do’ list and play with my two-year-old daughter


  1. Going for a walk and sometimes listening to an interesting podcast is a great way to zone out or get a different perspective on something
  2. A quiet bath
  3. Communicating with those closest to us, positive and negative things – bottling things up never ends well


Here are some of our favourite apps and programs:

The Slow Your Home podcast

The Mindful Kind podcast

Smiling Mind app

All Being Well podcast

Up for a Chat podcast

Chopra Meditation programs

A Live Yogi online programs

Mindfully podcast with Brett Kirk (good one for the guys)

Bootcamp for the Soul by Trevor Hendy (another good one for the guys)

Happy Mama podcast

Daily gratitude journaling and regular, round-table conversations with family and friends to discuss:

  • What we are grateful for
  • The best part of our day
  • The biggest challenge of the day
  • What we are looking forward to

Don’t ignore your mental health… it’s way too important!

The Splendid Word Team




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