Episode 65 – Female Friendships – the highs, lows and everything in-between

In this conversation we dig into the topic of friendships and what happens when they shift, for whatever reason.

Specifically female friendships, the importance of them and what to do when they sometimes breakdown. How to nurture them in the different seasons of life and how best to look after each other and ourselves. Leonie talks about a friendship model from her mother, while Katrina shares a friendship that broke down and the emotions involved, and Christy shares a helpful meditation to support a challenging relationship.

We all agreed this is something that we just don’t talk about enough, how we usually don’t know how to respond, including ‘ghosting’ and the need to normalise friendship challenges as adults – because they do occur.

More often than not it’s about how we respond and that by doing the inner work and being kind to yourself, it will help navigate the different seasons of friendships.

We discuss how friendship requires trust, effort, quality time (not necessarily quantity) honesty, mature communication and sometimes bravery and we love the saying: friends come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

A huge thank you to all our lovely listeners, old and new, and for those sharing the love for Spreading the Good Stuff podcast.

If you like what you’re hearing you can touch base with feedback anytime via our socials channels, or share with family and friends, or anyone who could do with a little more ‘good stuff’ in their lives. We’d also love you to leave a review on Spotify or throw us a like or share over on Facebook and Instagram.

Catch our latest episode here, and thanks again for listening.

Love Christy, Katrina and Leonie


Links to the things we mentioned in this chat:

Christy – Loving Kindness Meditation – there are many versions, but I have used Gabby Bernstein’s meditation and you can find it here:


Leonie – a previous chat on the podcast about Building Positive Relationships (Episode 4 Season 1) :

and is loving the ease and many benefits of listening to podcasts when life is busy.


Katrina – Meditation apps, The Friendship Project

and the book Together by Vivek H Murthy.