Episode #33 – The Sleep Factor – Are You Getting Enough?


Episode #33 – The Sleep Factor – Are You Getting Enough?

We had a lovely break from podcast duties over the school holidays, with lots of sleep-ins and chilling with the kids, which leads nicely into today’s topic: sleep!

Are you getting enough? And, if so, what’s your secret weapon for getting enough z’s on a regular basis?

In this conversation we talk about what we think is enough sleep, or too much? And we hopefully prompt you to think about your own relationship with sleep? And why is it so important for our overall wellbeing?
Enjoy this chat and an insight into how we each approach ‘rest time’ in their own lives, how our sleep patterns have changed throughout the seasons of life, and some of the sleep practices we’ve adopted along the way.
Getting enough sleep is an act of self care and essential for our physical and mental health and we look forward to chatting to an expert in this space in the coming weeks.
Happy listening and to never miss a future episode subscribe via iTunes, where you can also leave us a review, and to access all previous episodes visit our show over on Anchoror search for Spreading the Good Stuff via your favourite podcast app.

Christy, Leonie and Katrina xxx

Listen to to Episode #33 on Sleep here.

Show Notes:

In this conversation Katrina talks about the five pillars of your battery, thanks to Meg at Open Mind Education and also mentions Miracle Morning.

Christy talks about the importance of learning to breathe properly to help calm you and boost your energy levels instantly. As well as the magic of lavender for peaceful sleep. She also mentions Thrive by Arianna Huffington for a great story about recalibrating your life to take better care of yourself. Also, the Changing Habit, Changing Lives for making changes towards improving your health for better sleep through food.

Image thanks to: spd.org.sg